CBD oil for migraine: Does it work?

CBD oil for migraine: Does it work?

Cannabidiol (CBD) oil has been shown to decrease pain and inflammation, and some study suggests that CBD may be beneficial in the treatment of migraines.

An increasing body of studies suggests that cannabidiol (CBD) may be useful in the treatment of pain, particularly neurological pain, associated with a variety of illnesses.

CBD oil offers particular promise as a migraine treatment, according to a paper published by the American Migraine Foundation. While they recognise that there is no scientific evidence to support the use of CBD as a treatment, they point out that this may be due to a general lack of formal research into the use of CBD in general.

The foundation comes to the conclusion that CBD “may still be a feasible topical alternative for some individuals with joint and muscular pain associated with migraine,” according to the foundation.

Although there is no proof that CBD is a safe or effective migraine medication, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved it for this purpose or for use as a pain reliever in general.

We’ll look at how CBD might be beneficial for people who suffer from migraines, as well as its effectiveness, safety, and legality, in the sections below.

Is Cannabidiol (CBD) legal? CBD products derived from hemp that contain less than 0.3 percent THC are allowed under federal law, but they are still banned under several state regulations. CBD-derived products manufactured from cannabis, on the other hand, are prohibited under federal law but allowed under some state regulations. When travelling, especially in foreign countries, always sure to check local legislation. It’s also important to remember that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved nonprescription CBD products, which may be labelled incorrectly.

CBD oil and migraine


There are about 100 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant, and CBD is one of them. It differs from tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the component in cannabis that causes the user to feel euphoric or “high.”

There is no proof that CBD causes a euphoric feeling. It does have various impacts on the body, some of which being pain relief and inflammation reduction, among other things.

CBD may be effective in alleviating pain because it interacts with certain receptors in the brain. Pain and inflammation receptors are a component of the larger endocannabinoid system, which is involved in the regulation of pain and inflammation throughout the body.

Medical cannabis has been associated to the following effects, which are relevant to migraine treatment, according to research:

  • pain relief
  • easing nausea
  • reducing inflammation
  • anticonvulsive effects

Although there has been some research on the safety and usefulness of cannabis, and specifically CBD, for migraine, there has been very little done so far – in part because of regulatory restrictions on research that involves the cannabis plant.

Researchers discovered that cannabis may be beneficial in the treatment of migraines in a review of papers published in 2017.

CBD oil, on the other hand, may have a variety of effects, and there has been no evidence that it may be used to alleviate migraines. In general, more research is needed in this area.


In accordance with the National Centers for Complementary and Integrative Health, there is some evidence that cannabis — and specifically CBD — may have small advantages for people suffering from chronic pain.

Additionally, a 2020 review discovered that CBD can be used to alleviate chronic pain, promote sleep, and reduce inflammation in certain situations.

According to the findings of a 2016 study, medical cannabis may be effective in reducing the frequency of migraine headaches. In contrast, the study did not particularly look into cannabidiol (CBD).

According to a 2018 evaluation of the relevant literature, cannabis appears to be a potential treatment option for chronic pain, particularly migraine-related pain, according to the authors.

The conclusions of a 2017 analysis found that there is sufficient anecdotal evidence and preliminary findings to merit additional investigation and high-quality clinical studies.

The bottom line is that additional investigation is required. If CBD is found to be useful, researchers will need to determine the most effective dosages and formulations to use in clinical trials.

While this is going on, researchers are investigating if cannabis chemicals can be used to treat chronic pain in patients who have been using opioids for a long time and wish to cut back on their use.

Researchers from a 2009 study found evidence to corroborate these findings; however, researchers from a 2018 study found no link between cannabis usage and reductions in pain or opiate use. While the results of the latter study were based on participant-reported cannabis usage, the vast majority of that use was not in accordance with federal law.


The 2018 Farm Bill makes it legal to grow and sell hemp and hemp-derived goods if the total THC level is less than 0.3 percent.

The legal status of CBD and other cannabinoids, on the other hand, differs from state to state. If a person in the United States is considering using CBD, they may find out more about the legislation in their area by visiting this page.

In June 2018, the Food and Drug Administration approved a refined CBD oil that has no THC for the treatment of two uncommon and severe kinds of epilepsy. The oil can only be obtained through a physician’s prescription.

The Food and Drug Administration has not approved CBD products sold over-the-counter. Therefore, there is no way to confirm that they are safe or that they contain the ingredients that are advertised on the label. Talk to your doctor if at all possible before using CBD.

How to Make Use of CBD Oil

CBD oil can be used in the following ways:

  • as an ingredient in foods and drinks
  • in capsule form
  • in oral drops or sprays
  • by inhaling or vaping it, though either can be dangerous

Meanwhile, researchers are looking at the potential benefits, as well as the legal and ethical issues, of CBD in different forms, such as those that can be taken rectally, topically, or topically applied to skin.

A standard dosage and method of administration of CBD oil for migraine sufferers do not exist because no definitive studies have been conducted on the subject.

A doctor in a state where CBD oil is legal, on the other hand, may be able to offer a safe, low-dose regimen to get you started. All things considered, starting with a very low dose and seeing how it works is the wisest course of action.

Because CBD products are not considered drugs by the FDA, they are not regulated by them. This product’s labelling may be incorrect, and its contents may be misrepresented by the manufacturer. Therefore, thorough investigation and the selection of a high-quality product are essential.


When it comes to CBD, one of the most serious problems is the absence of government regulation.

In terms of migraine treatment, the FDA has not approved any cannabis-based medications, including CBD products.

CBD oil sold over-the-counter in the United States is not regulated, and its potency and marketing are not restricted. It is as a result of this that some CBD products have inaccurate information on their labels. They may include more or less CBD than stated on the label, and some may contain considerable amounts of the psychoactive chemical THC, which has been shown to hinder the production of new CBD molecules.

Strategies and treatments

Patients with migraine are more likely than not to benefit from tried-and-true medications as well as alternative ways to care.

It is important to lessen the frequency of migraine attacks by identifying and avoiding the triggers that bring on the attacks. Individuals will have various requirements, however the following is an example:

  • practicing stress management techniques
  • avoiding bright lights
  • avoiding caffeine, alcohol, and other dietary migraine triggers
  • finding ways to get regular high-quality sleep

Additionally, while no single treatment plan is effective for everyone, a variety of drugs can lessen the frequency of migraine attacks as well as the intensity of attacks once they begin.

Some of the FDA-approved migraine therapies are as follows:

Many people have to try several different treatments before they find one that works. A combination of treatments may be the most beneficial for a particular individual.

Working closely with a healthcare physician and keeping track of the frequency and intensity of episodes can aid in the determination of the most effective treatment options for you.


Anyone suffering from migraine should consult with a medical professional, who can provide precise advice about the best course of therapy.

It is especially crucial to contact with a doctor before experimenting with CBD oil or any other natural therapies, as some, including CBD, can have harmful interactions with other medications and supplements.


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  • https://www.fda.gov/news-events/public-health-focus/fda-regulation-cannabis-and-cannabis-derived-products-questions-and-answers
  • https://www.mdpi.com/2305-6320/6/1/31
  • https://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ucm611047.htm
  • https://www.brookings.edu/blog/fixgov/2018/12/14/the-farm-bill-hemp-and-cbd-explainer/
  • https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphar.2018.00420/full
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5436334/
  • https://www.aafp.org/afp/2018/0215/p243.html
  • https://americanmigrainefoundation.org/resource-library/migraine-cbd-oil/
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