Crohn’s disease supplements and vitamins: Things to understand

Crohn’s disease

Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel illness that affects the digestive tract. Because it can lead to malnutrition, doctors may give vitamins and supplements to help prevent or cure it.

Symptoms of Crohn’s disease usually come and go in cycles. People with the illness may have intermittent bouts of stomach discomfort, diarrhea, and other symptoms.

In these instances, a doctor may advise avoiding particular meals to enable the digestive tract to rest. Some people may require a particular diet, such as a low-fiber diet.

Malnutrition can result from these dietary alterations or poor nutritional absorption through the digestive system. As a result, doctors may offer dietary supplements to treat or prevent malnutrition.

This article looks at some of the vitamins and supplements that Crohn’s disease patients might choose to take, as well as how they may influence the body and other dietary issues.

What is Crohn’s disease?

Crohn’s disease

Crohn’s disease is a kind of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that often begins in childhood or early adulthood.

The illness causes inflammation in the digestive tract, resulting in symptoms such as:

Symptoms appear and disappear in cycles. Medication, bowel rest, and surgery are among options for treating Crohn’s disease. The sort of therapy a person receives is determined by the severity of their illness as well as their general health.

Changing one’s diet can help to lessen the severity and frequency of symptoms. A doctor may advise:

  • avoiding carbonated beverages
  • avoiding some high fiber foods
  • drinking more liquids
  • eating smaller meals more frequently to aid digestion

Are vitamins of any use?

The digestive system might become inflamed, making it harder for the body to process food and absorb nutrients. Malnutrition, which happens when the body does not get enough important vitamins and nutrients, might develop as a result of this.

Blood tests to monitor vitamin and mineral levels in the body may be recommended by a doctor. Based on these findings, the doctor may advise taking various vitamins or supplements to boost food nutrition.

A person with Crohn’s disease should visit a doctor before beginning to take vitamins to verify that the right types and doses are taken.

Nausea and diarrhea are two common adverse effects of several vitamins. These can be avoided if you take them with meals.

Always read supplement labels to see if there are any substances that might trigger a flare-up. Ingredients like these might be used:

  • preservatives
  • artificial colors
  • sugar alcohols
  • lactose

Which vitamins are likely to be beneficial?

For those with Crohn’s disease, doctors may suggest a range of vitamins. These vitamins may include the following:

  • omega-3 fatty acids, which can have anti-inflammatory effects in people with Crohn’s disease
  • calcium, which can help maintain bone and tooth health in people with Crohn’s disease
  • folic acid, which helps the body produce and maintain cells
  • iron, which carries oxygen through the body and prevents anemia
  • vitamin B12, which maintains nerve and blood cells
  • vitamin D, which may help control inflammation in the intestine
  • vitamins A, E, and K, which help produce cells and prevent cell damage
  • zinc, which assists the body in preventing illnesses due to bacteria and viruses

Turmeric, in addition to vitamins, may assist persons with Crohn’s disease reduce inflammation in their bodies. Curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory qualities, is found in it.

Curcumin, when taken with pharmaceuticals, appears to aid with the treatment of ulcerative colitis, which is another kind of IBD. Turmeric may be used safely in cooking, but big doses can cause blood to thin.

What else should people think about?

With Crohn’s disease, malnutrition is a common worry. In reality, it happens in 20–85 percent of the time.

Creating a dietary plan for someone with Crohn’s disease requires identifying foods that a person may tolerate and those that cause symptoms.

People with Crohn’s disease may want to limit their intake of the following foods to avoid flare-ups:

  • foods high in insoluble fiber
  • nuts and seeds
  • raw fruits and vegetables
  • sugar
  • high fat foods
  • caffeine
  • alcohol
  • sugar alcohols

Digestion may be aided by drinking plenty of water and eating smaller meals more regularly. Keeping a food journal can also aid in the identification of foods that trigger symptoms.

When should you see a doctor?

Digestion may be aided by drinking plenty of water and eating smaller meals more regularly. Keeping a food journal can also aid in the identification of foods that trigger symptoms.

  • blood in the stool
  • persistent diarrhea
  • ongoing stomach cramps or pain
  • unexplained weight loss
  • not developing at a typical rate (in children)


Crohn’s disease is a long-term inflammatory disorder that can affect any portion of the gastrointestinal system. It usually affects the small intestine and causes inflammation, which inhibits food from being properly digested. It can produce a variety of symptoms, such as diarrhea and stomach discomfort.

Crohn’s disease can inhibit the body from properly absorbing nutrients, resulting in malnutrition. Blood testing can be used to identify nutritional deficits. They may suggest a variety of vitamins and supplements to help with these issues.

Some vitamins might produce nausea and diarrhea as a side effect. Taking vitamins in the proper doses and while eating, on the other hand, can assist to reduce these negative effects.

