Dermaplaning: What you need to knw

Dermaplaning: What you need to knw

Dermaplaning is a skin resurfacing procedure which people use to make the skin look smoother. It utilizes a blade to remove the skin’s top layer.

When dermaplaning is performed by a certified professional, experts generally take it as safe. A person shouldn’t attempt to dermaplan on themselves or others at home, however.

Keep reading about how dermaplaning works, and what to expect before and after the procedure.

What is it?

Dermaplaning may reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Dermaplaning may reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Dermaplaning is a skin procedure that uses a specialized blade to extract dead skin and hair – similar to a surgical scalpel called a dermatome. People may call it microplaning or blading, too.

The treatment aims to give a smooth, youthful and radiant look to the facial skin. In addition to smoothing the skin and removing “peach fuzz,” proponents argue that dermaplaning can help with acne scars, dry skin, sun-damaged skin and small wrinkles.

How it works

The basic principle of dermaplaning is the same as rashing, but instead of a razor, a scalpel-type blade is used to remove skin cells, hair, and other debris that may be present on the skin surface.

Continuous exposure to UV rays, environmental toxins, and irritants from the top layer of skin means that it may begin to appear slow. Dermaplaning removes the top skin layer to expose new skin cells that can make the skin of a individual look smoother and glowing.

Reports on the efficacy of dermaplaning are often anecdotal, and the effects of treatment can differ from person to person.


A cosmetician, plastic surgeon, or dermatologist may perform skin resurfacing procedures such as dermaplaning. A person should select a professional with the proper training and a valid license.

It is a safe procedure that requires very little preparation when a professional does dermaplaning. The practitioner should use a gentle cleanser with alpha or beta hydroxy acids before the procedure to help loosen dead skin cells. Before the operation the face must dry completely.

The specialist will use a sterilized 10-gauge scalpel during the operation, which they will keep onto the skin at an angle of 45 degrees. They’ll tightly pull the skin and use the blade to make quick movements against the hair grain on the surface.

They will often apply a moisturizer to the skin of the person after the procedure before providing them with a guide to post-procedure care.

After a dermaplaning treatment a person will require little downtime, if any. They won’t need to take time off work and during a lunch break, they may even be able to fit in their treatment session.

A person is allowed to undergo dermaplaning as often as every 2 weeks.


Dermaplaning is not a medical procedure, and is not covered by medical insurance. Costs may vary depending on the location of a person and providers will be charging for each treatment session.

The provider should be able to provide detailed pricing details to a individual in advance of the procedure.


Dermaplaning provides a range of possible advantages which are all cosmetic. There are no legitimate reasons for having treated with dermaplaning.

Individuals interested in dermaplaning often seek a more youthful look by removing dead skin, small hairs and minor imperfections in their complexion. Some potential advantages include:

  • reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, acne scarring, or sun-damaged skin
  • restoring a youthful glow to the skin
  • removing small hairs that can hold onto oil and debris

The effectiveness of dermaplaning depends in large part on the experience of the practitioner and the expectations of the client. A person may wish to check past customer reviews before reserving an appointment.


Dermaplaning results can be variable. A person might find the procedure has not changed their appearance sufficiently to justify the cost.

Choosing the correct professional might make a difference. Improper techniques may result in disappointing results and the risk of minor injury.

Risks and side effects

The dermaplaning should only be performed by a certified or well trained professional. When the procedure is performed by an esthetician a person may generally consider it safe. Possible Dermaplaning risks include:

  • small nicks or cuts
  • redness on the skin
  • appearance of whiteheads following the procedure
  • infections or scarring, although these are not common

What to expect

A person would expect the professional to do the dermaplaning with sterile equipment in a clean environment. If the area of treatment does not appear clean, then the person should not proceed with the procedure.

It is important to ensure there is proper training and experience for the professional. People can check local laws and make sure the provider is operating with the proper licenses and certificates.

The procedure is very quick and will take less than an hour to complete. A professional may recommend a person following dermaplaning to use a chemical peel, as this procedure will prepare the skin for a peel. The chemical peel will be an additional cost.

After dermaplaning, the skin may appear red and feel a bit tender for a few days. A person should avoid exposure to UV light for a few days and take precautions when out in the sun, such as wearing a sunscreen with a high sun protection factor ( SPF).

A person can expect to have another dermaplaning appointment within a few weeks if they wish. Results don’t last for long.


A person generally doesn’t have to prepare for their appointment except to arrive with a clean, makeup-free face. A professional should give any specific facial care instructions prior to appointment.

If a person develops sunburn before appointment, the treatment should be called rescheduling. If they have specific medical conditions, such as active acne or other skin conditions, that could affect dermaplaning, they should check with a doctor before booking the treatment.

Can I use a home kit?

Using a home dermaplaning kit isn’t recommended. The dermaplaning procedure should only be carried out by a certified or well-trained professional in a clean and appropriate environment.

If a person wants to use a home kit they should be careful to do so. The risk of complications will be much higher, with poor results.


Microdermabrasion is similar to dermaplaning, and typically results are comparable. Microdermabrasion uses a rough surface to smooth out the skin, instead of using a scalpel.

Microdermabrasion may last several months but a person may need several appointments to obtain the desired results


Dermaplaning is a procedure where dead skin and small hairs are removed to rejuvenate the skin.

A person should only use a qualified professional to ensure that he is safe for the procedure.

Dermaplaning can be costly, and is not covered by insurance. Red skin, and small blade nicks are the most common side effects.