How to treat whiteheads on the nose

How to treat whiteheads on the nose

Whiteheads are a prevalent form of acne. They appear under the skin’s surface as a white bump. When squeezed because the pore is closed, these blemishes are firm and do not pop.

Acne is a skin condition affecting up to 80 percent of people between the ages of 11 to 30. Whiteheads develop when the pores get clogged with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria, as with all types of acne.

Whiteheads can occur anywhere on the body but usually found on the face, neck, shoulders, upper back and chest.

Blackheads, unlike whiteheads, are lesions of acne with transparent pores. When exposed to the sunlight, the bacteria in the pores turn black, giving this lesion its name.


A ladY Squeezing a pimple
Squeezing a pimple may cause it to become infected, making it worse.

All factors that can contribute to a person getting whiteheads are hormones, medications, certain types of makeup, and genetics.

Factors which may aggravate whiteheads include:

  • friction from bike helmets or backpacks
  • polluted air and humidity
  • wearing glasses
  • pimple squeezing
  • excessive scrubbing of the skin
  • stress

How to get rid of whiteheads on the nose

While there are many ways to get rid of whiteheads on the nose and other acne lesions, not all of them work for everybody.

Before they find what works best for them a person may need to try a lot of different products or techniques.

Pore nose strips may not assist in the treatment of whiteheads, since they only operate to clear oils from open pores. The Whiteheads are closed, so they won’t be affected.

Over-the-counter treatments

Many over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, such as benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid, contain active ingredients. These two ingredients function in various ways, but both are used for the treatment of acne.

Benzoyl peroxide destroys bacteria in the pores and helps to dissolve oil and dead skin cells. The swelling associated with pimples may also be lessened.

Salicylic acid is helpful in unclogging the pores of the skin and can prevent the development of whiteheads in the first place.

Other active ingredients contain alpha hydroxy acids and sulfur in OTC acne medications. These help to clear the pores from dead skin cells and lessen swelling. It is also understood that sulfur helps control oil.

OTC products include:

  • creams
  • gels
  • face washes
  • spot treatments

Even after acne blemishes have gone away, it is important to keep using OTC treatments. Stopping their use can allow the pores to receive new bacteria and cause another flare-up.

Manuka honey

Manuka honey
Medical-grade manuka honey has antibacterial properties.

Not only is honey a natural sweetener, but it may have antibacterial effects as well. In the treatment of bacteria resistant to certain antibiotics, including Staphylococcus aureus, which can cause acne, medical-grade manuka honey may be useful.

An individual should follow these measures in order to treat whiteheads on the nose with manuka honey:

  • wash the face with a gentle soap and warm water
  • apply a teaspoon of manuka honey to the nose, spreading it evenly
  • let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes
  • rinse thoroughly and moisturize with an oil-free cream

Some pharmacies and natural food stores sell medical-grade manuka honey.

Prescription treatments

If OTC treatments and natural remedies do not work, a person can try to use prescription acne medications.

For stubborn whiteheads, a doctor may prescribe:

  • prescription gels or creams containing retinoid
  • antibiotics
  • oral contraceptives or birth control pills containing estrogen and progestin
  • prescription anti-androgens, which affect the androgen hormones in the skin’s sebaceous glands

During pregnancy, certain acne remedies, such as contraception or retinoid-containing medicines, cannot be used because they may cause adverse side effects.

Other treatment options may be available, so a person concerned about acne should talk to a doctor or pharmacist.


A lady Using oil-free moisturizer
Using oil-free moisturizer may help to prevent whiteheads from forming.

Steps a person can take to help prevent whiteheads on the nose include:

  • washing the skin, particularly the face, with mild soap and warm water twice a day
  • removing all makeup and washing after periods of excessive sweating
  • resisting the urge to scrub the skin
  • using oil-free makeup, moisturizer, and sunscreen
  • using only noncomedogenic products on the face
  • avoiding getting hair products, such as sprays and gels, on the face
  • keeping hair, hands, and hats away from the face and hairline
  • avoiding picking at the skin or squeezing whiteheads and pimples
  • reducing stress


Although it may be frustrating to treat whiteheads, there are OTC and drug alternatives that may help.

To ease the effects of acne, several washes, creams, and gels may be purchased over the counter. Some natural remedies, such as manuka honey, can also help. However in some circumstances, prescription treatments may be required.

It will help to decide the best course of action to treat whiteheads on the nose by consulting with a trained dermatologist or other skin care professional.