Yeast infection before period: Remedies and prevention

Yeast infection before period: Remedies and prevention

Infections of the vaginal yeast sometimes occur before or during a person’s cycle because of hormonal changes during the menstruation.

Infections of the vaginal yeast are a common condition which causes Candida, a form of fungus. While vaginal yeast infections have a number of possible causes, it is not uncommon for them to occur around the time of a person’s periods.

Keep reading for more detail on pre-menstrual yeast infections, their causes, symptoms, and how to treat and avoid them.


A girl thinking about her yeast infection
Hormonal changes may cause a yeast infection before a period.

Yeast infection occurs when levels of yeast and bacteria naturally present in the vagina are unbalanced. An overgrowth of the fungus may cause infection with the vaginal yeast.

Hormonal variations may cause changes in the bacteria in the vagina during the menstrual cycle. These changes can lead to infection of the yeast before a certain time.

Some other factors which increase the risk of infection with the yeast include:

  • pregnancy
  • diabetes
  • obesity
  • HIV
  • taking steroids
  • taking antibiotics
  • using birth control pills and other types of birth control

In addition, wearing tight underwear that prevents the skin from breathing can lead to vaginal yeast infections.


People can sometimes have no clear signs or symptoms of a yeast infection. Consequently, they can not be conscious that they have one.

More often than not, typical signs and symptoms of an infection with vaginal yeast include:

  • redness, itchiness, or burning in and around the vagina
  • pain during sex
  • unusual vaginal discharge that is thick, white, and odorless
  • swelling of the vagina in severe cases
  • pain during urination


Vaginal yeast infections respond well to medical treatment and some home remedies.

Medical treatment

In most cases, over – the-counter (OTC) medications will treat a person with a yeast infection at home. There are some medical options that include:

  • antifungal medication a person inserts into the vagina daily for several days to 1 week
  • antifungal ointments or creams
  • a single dose of antifungal medication (fluconazole)

A doctor can prescribe oral medicine, vaginal cream, or a strong suppository, for serious or chronic cases of vaginal yeast infections.

A individual shouldn’t participate in vaginal sexual activity during care. This will help prevent getting worse from the infection.

Home remedies

In addition to medication, a person may consider home remedies that could aid in the treatment process.

A common home remedy includes the use of probiotic additives. Nonetheless, there is not enough quality evidence according to a 2019 report to completely endorse the efficacy of probiotics.

Home remedies may not function or be healthy. Before taking any home remedies to treat a yeast infection, a person should speak to a doctor.


In certain cases a person may not be able to avoid the onset of a yeast infection. Such infections are most prevalent in moist, humid body areas, such as the vagina.

Although they are not proven successful, there are some general prevention tips which include:

  • avoiding vaginal douches
  • changing out of a wet bathing suit or sweaty, tight-fitting pants or underwear after a workout
  • wearing breathable, loose fitting clothes
  • avoiding antibiotics unless a doctor prescribes them
  • using a gentle soap to clean the genitals
  • changing pads or tampons regularly
  • wiping from front to back
  • eating Greek yogurt for the probiotics it contains

Recurring yeast infection

Some people can develop recurrent infections of the yeast throughout their lives. If a person gets a yeast infection every month during their menstruation, they should speak with their doctor.

A doctor may prescribe medication to be taken prior to a person’s duration to help prevent infection with the yeast.

When to see a doctor

While there are many OTC remedies for vaginal yeast infections, a person should see a prescription with their doctor. This is because it can cause similar symptoms in other conditions.

A yeast infection cure won’t benefit other problems, such as sexually transmitted infections.

A person should see his doctor, too, if:

  • they have severe pain
  • OTC products are not effective
  • they have redness, swelling, or itchiness around the vagina that is hard to ignore
  • they experience pain during sex


Vaginal yeast infection prior to periods are a normal occurrence. Hormone shifts can increase a person’s risk of developing a yeast infection during a menstrual cycle.

People should take steps to reduce the risk of infection with vaginal yeast, and to avoid recurrence.

Those with chronic or serious vaginal yeast infections should talk to a doctor prior to their periods. A doctor may accurately diagnose the disease, and recommend successful therapy.


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